Surabaya is an Internet program that allow users to collaborate in many ways. In addition to messaging it offers the following features:
  • Shared Desktop
  • Shared Whiteboard
  • Shared Browser

    Shared Desktop

    Potentially any type of document can be shared. Users can drag and drop documents from native windows to the virtual desktop. Other users will see the uploaded document immediately as an icon. They can double-click the icon and the right program will launch automatically and open that document, for example, Word for DOC documents or Acrobat for PDF documents. Documents are stored permanently on a central server. The documents are always accessible to users when they login, unless a user delete the documents. Documents are also organized by user groups. One group of users may have a different set of documents from other groups.


    Shared Whiteboard

    Shared whiteboard can be used to distribute images over the Internet in real-time. Several objects can be drawn over the image including rectangles, ellipses, freehand, polygons and text. Drawing objects can be repositioned after they are placed on the whiteboard.


    Shared Browser

    A built-in Web browser with history keeps track of the pages visited by a user. Users can also collaborate in co-browsing mode, meaning that every page click by any member of a group brings the whole group to that new site.
